
In stock 34

Many, many years ago we used to grow 'Pandora' for cut flowers along with many others from the  UK company 'Parigo'. Sadly this company is no longer, but their varieties live on, hopefully we will be able to include some more in the future. If you live in a cold part of the country or have a very exposed garden 'Pandora' will benefit from mulching well in Winter. Grows about 1.2m tall and flowers all Summer providing the plants don't get dry.

From around the middle of May (depending on the weather) we will start shipping orders for plants grown in 11cm pots which can be planted straight outside. Plants will also be available on a cash-and-carry basis from our Nursery during our open weekends which we plan to run from the middle of May until June, we will also have Dahlia plants available at the same time if you have signed up for our newsletter we will let you know the exact dates.

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