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Coronet was the second new Pompom flowered Dahlia that we received from Barry. The flowers are tightly packed with petals and form a perfect ball around 6cm in diameter. One for the garden or a large pot, is not the best for cutting as the stems tend to be on the short side, height of around 80cm. A good tuber maker but very shy at producing cuttings.

Supplied as top-quality homegrown tubers grown in 11cm pots, they can either be started early in a heated greenhouse for producing cuttings or stored frost-free for planting outside in May, where they will grow into full-sized plants. Pot-grown tubers are compact so they don't suffer from broken necks and are gall free.

To view our full list please navigate to our main Dahlia category, where you will find many more varieties which are available as rooted cuttings and Garden Ready plants.

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SKU: dahlia coronet tuber

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